(412) 488-2020
Pittsburgh's Trusted CPAs since 1988

We are a professional services accounting firm located in Irwin, PA.  Established in 1988, we offer a full range of services – accounting, tax and business advisory services dedicated to small and mid-sized businesses.

Business Services

Whether you're starting a business or have been around the block, let us help make sure you are financially on track.

Tax Services

Let's make your tax return not a after thought, but a bi-product of your strategy and solid tax planning.

Specialty Accounting

Estate Planning, Gift Returns and Audit Representation are some of the many specialty accounting services we provide.

See  All Services  Offered

News & Updates

For recent tax and business accounting news, stories and information, stay tuned to our blog. Also, visit our Tax Center for up to date information for the current filing year. For specific questions, contact your Satira accountant.

Federal and State Tax News Highlights, Pennsylvania—Sales and Use Tax


Pennsylvania Measures Economic Nexus Sales Threshold by Calendar Year (Jan. 18, 2019)Pennsylvania measures its sales and use tax economic nexus $100,000 sales threshold by calendar year sales preceding the collection period. Also, after the first year, collection begins in the second quarter,...

2018 Action Checklist


As we head towards the end of the year, be sure to complete this checklist to be on track for tax season.Have your tax return preparer do projectionsFund your Health Savings Account, if eligible, to the max (these accounts are analogous to Roth IRAs, but on steroids—you get a year of contribution...

Ready to get started?

Call us at 412-488-2020 or fill out this form to find out how we can help!